

My kid had a 1st Reconciliation retreat last weekend to get her ready to make her first confession/reconciliation. There was one thing I heard that made me cringe and, of course, it is the one thing my kid picked up.


7 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    When I asked her tonight why she did something ugly toward her sister, she told me “I’m human. Being human means making bad choices” which is a fairly accurate paraphrase of one of the things mentioned on the retreat. Which is complete bullshit.

  2. kraft Avatar

    In Catholicism, humanity isn’t our problem. Adam and Eve were human while in Eden. Christ was fully human and fully God, which isn’t contradictory. Our sinfulness is from a “transmission of a human nature deprived of original holiness and justice” in which we abuse the freedom…

  3. kraft Avatar

    we’re given to not only go against God, but go against our true nature. We prefer what we think or are told will make us better to what is truly right and best for us. This isn’t a fault of humanity per se, but an effect of free will in a reality where temptation exists.

  4. kraft Avatar

    Christ became man and died to restore humanity to our the original holiness, to our intended design. That is, being human is not intrinsically sinful, but in fact, the opposite. When we are perfectly ourselves, we are made in the image of God, which is, by definition, not sinful.

  5. kraft Avatar

    We need grace. We need redemption. No man is an island. The world is not perfect and the impact of that results in us not being perfect, so we can’t do this alone. It’s like brewing beer without good sanitation, batches are going to go bad.

  6. kraft Avatar

    We need Christ and we need to be reconciled to Him. In doing so, we are not rejecting or turning away from some aspect of our humanity, but fully embracing our humanity.

  7. kraft Avatar

    So yeah, my bad for not raising my hand in the retreat and not rebuking in the moment. I don’t really know how to handle situations like that. I’m upset that I knew it didn’t land right in the retreat and, if nothing else, I didn’t correct it with my kiddo right then and there.