

@USCCB Seeing my kids go through parish RE, though, makes me want to homeschool them only & skip parish RE completely. Both my RE-age kids love their faith and actively want to do anything besides the waste of time that is RE. That saps up so much of my hope in the future of the church.


3 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    @USCCB The faith is true. The execution is often poor. The bishops seemingly tone-deafness on abuse is mind-blowing. We need to remember, from the crabby church secretary to Cardinal DiNardo and everyone in between, the Church’s mission is to being people to Christ. Day-to-day…

  2. kraft Avatar

    @USCCB people forget that. Parish staff should focus less on creating red tape with rules and requirements beyond Canon Law and focus more on how those things help serve the people of God. I can only go through being told my baptism class expires so many times.

  3. kraft Avatar

    @USCCB To directly answer, solid liturgy (not the Lifeteen whatever) where I can encounter and worship God/Eucharist and the truth that flows from that.