

My Official Statement on Pumpkin Spice Mac & Cheese

A thread ⬇️…


8 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    Kraft has released a new flavor of Mac & Cheese (or Kraft Dinner for my Canadian friends)—Pumpkin Spice Mac and Cheese.

    Ignoring that I am finding it impossible to type “Pumpkin Spice Mac & Cheese” without having to delete “latte”, I wish to clarify my position on it.

  2. kraft Avatar

    I’ve never tried it. I don’t plan on it. Despite being my namesake and a brand that I have long, fond memories growing up surrounded by and helping me form my identity, we don’t eat much Kraft food.

  3. kraft Avatar

    My eldest is allergic to dairy, so mac and cheese just isn’t a staple in these parts.

  4. kraft Avatar

    Nevertheless, if it rocks your world, good for you. Who am I to judge? Perhaps in a couple generations, kids will be shocked to hear that we didn’t assume “pumpkin spice” when making mac and cheese.

  5. kraft Avatar

    While being the only gringo in a Latina household, we can’t believe people pay $15 for a piece of avocado toast. For us, that’s just a quick and easy snack because we always have bread and avocados handy.

    But, for a generation, it is a thing. Maybe this is that too.

  6. kraft Avatar

    For me and my household, though, the only pumpkin spice anything we will be eating is my wife’s cookies ( And maybe Starbucks pumpkin scone.

  7. kraft Avatar

    I’ve also published this thread on my site:…

  8. kraft Avatar

    I’ve never tried it. I don’t plan on it. Despite being my namesake and a brand that I have long, fond memories growing up surrounded by and helping me form my identity, we don’t eat much Kraft food.