@evanasmith % of adults 25 yo+ who have a post-secondary degree:
Tarrant County: 37.9%, Dallas: 35.3, Harris 36.1, Bexar 34.7, ELP 29.1.
Travis: 51.9%
@evanasmith % of adults 25 yo+ who have a post-secondary degree:
Tarrant County: 37.9%, Dallas: 35.3, Harris 36.1, Bexar 34.7, ELP 29.1.
Travis: 51.9%
One response
@evanasmith I’m not saying people are uneducated thus “too stupid to be safe” or anything like that. Maybe some of that, probably some connection to education->pol affiliation, but likely a lot of it is the less educated, the more likely to be in a profession that can’t work remote, etc.