

“It is now time to open Texas 100%”.


10 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    What’s different? Paraphrasing him: we have PPE, we have tests, we have drugs, vaccines. Back in March, we didn’t know how to be careful. Now we have “mastered” how to not get Covid.

  2. kraft Avatar

    Vaccines are a big point for him talking about how many shots are being administered now. By next week, 50% of seniors will have a shot and he claims by end of the month all seniors will be able to.

  3. kraft Avatar

    He didn’t mention that Lubbock was leading the state yet (per my guess… ), but alas.

  4. kraft Avatar

    “Texas will soon expand the category of who can get [the vaccines]. Within a few months, everyone who [wants one] can get one.”

  5. kraft Avatar

    He’s sharing more and celebrating that we’re under 9% positivity. Wasn’t the goal to be 5% or under?

    “Covid still exists. It didn’t just go away” — at least he says that.

  6. kraft Avatar

    Most past EOs are rescinded by next Wednesday.

    All businesses of all types able to open at 100%. All entities. Ending the mask mandate.

    Called it…

  7. kraft Avatar

    “Removing state mandates does not remove personal responsibility”

    Basically, you should still do everything but we’re not going to try to enforce it at all because we’re responsible.

  8. kraft Avatar

    Businesses can limit capacity or enforce masks within their business.

    If COVID hospitalizations rise above 15% (currently true in El Paso and Laredo), a county judge may do stuff, but no jail or no penalty for masks. No closures allowed, must allow 50% capacity.

  9. kraft Avatar

    Actually, maybe not Laredo. I haven’t looked in a few days. El Paso is up near 20% I think. I digress.

    Abbott goes on about personal responsibility and business is business and business must grow.

  10. kraft Avatar

    No mention of Texas Independence Day. Speech over. –30–