

@ar4nier @TxDOTCEO @TxDOT Asking a police officer to pull someone over in a rain storm sounds like a good way to get them hurt. And is true both under current laws and if that was added.

Making it a law isn’t always about the enforcement of the negative but about setting an expectation to follow.


3 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    @ar4nier @TxDOTCEO @TxDOT Do they teach in drivers ed that you should turn on your lights with your wipers? Maybe, maybe not. It’s not a law so there’s no real reason for them to beyond you should turn it on if it’s raining enough where you can’t see 1k feet in front of you.

  2. kraft Avatar

    @ar4nier @TxDOTCEO @TxDOT If it is demonstrable that having lights on whenever it is raining enough to merit wipers creates safer travel (with no real negative), then we should promote that. The strongest way we have as a society to promote good behavior is a law saying so.

  3. kraft Avatar

    @ar4nier @TxDOTCEO @TxDOT I mean, we have a law to say that if two people are trying to merge into the same lane between them, the person merging right has right of way over the person merging left.