

But first day in awhile that the Austin new hospital admissions (74) was less than the 7-day average (83). Weekends are sometimes wonky, but hopefully it’s a sign that we’re slowing the ascent.

Went from 510 hospitalized on Friday’s report to 224 for today’s report.


2 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    191 in the ICU in the Austin Public Health data region (different than the state’s region) is the highest of the pandemic, beating the week of Jan 12 that saw 185-190.

    (cc: @mattlargey)

  2. kraft Avatar

    (Typo earlier)

    But 1st day in awhile that the Austin new hosp admissions (74) was less than the 7-day average (83). Weekends are sometimes wonky, but hopefully it’s a sign that we’re slowing the ascent.

    Went from 510 hospitalized on Friday’s report to 557 for today’s report.