

@AndyRichter This is an example of why Google isn’t a replacement for guided education.

Original Sin also gives hope that our home is in heaven, God desires us to go there, but leaves the option to us.

The Church teaches that unbaptized kiddos are entrusted to the mercy of God.


3 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    @AndyRichter Which is why the Church extends all funeral rites to unbaptized kids. While they were born into a world post-original sin, they are themselves lack the ability to sin or be culpable for those sins.

    That’s why First Communion in the Roman rite isn’t until around age 7.

  2. kraft Avatar

    @AndyRichter That’s generally an age where the Church accepts that a typical kiddo is able to discern right and wrong in a culpable way. Beyond that, the notion of grave sin still requires someone to know it is a sin and willfully choosing that route.

  3. kraft Avatar

    @AndyRichter And FTR, I think the new law is trash. If we want to reduce abortions to zero, we need to greatly provide more support to women, impoverished, better family leave, etc etc. The provision for civil suits is wretched.

    You can be Catholic, whole-life, and be far from the GOP.