Tag: Stay-at-home dad
Who Is Your Daddy and What Does He Do?
I’m approaching six months as a stay-at-home dad. I haven’t fully accepted the title yet. When someone asks me “what do I do?”, I hesitate. Sometimes I say, “Primarily, I’m at home with the girls, but I’ve been doing some freelance developing websites.” Or “I’m working with folks on their web presence, which is great since…
Now, 154,001
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 154,000 married fathers care for their children under 15-years old at home full-time while the mothers worked outside of the home. Now, the number is 154,001. I am officially a stay-at-home dad, a stay-at-home father, a house dad, SAHD, househusband, a house-spouse. How? What? When? There are a number of…