Tag: sxsw

  • Connections at SXSW

    This is what I love about representing WordPress(.com) “in the field” at SXSW. After a long evening working an event, we had a couple of guys sit at the bar with myself and a couple of coworkers. When we were asked what we do, we answered “Vague Internet Things”. “That’s great—as long as it isn’t…

  • SXSW crash: One Tragic Night. One Year Later.

    SXSW crash: One Tragic Night. One Year Later.

    For many of those who were on or near Red River Street when Rashad Owens plowed into a late-night crowd of music fans, their recollections today are as sensory as they are mental, reminders of an event still felt as much as remembered. Source: SXSW crash: One Tragic Night. One Year Later. A well-done feature…