my history teacher

Today in the Texas House, Sherry Lindemann, my former government/economics/History of the Americas/World History Topics teacher at the Hirschi Math-Science International Baccalaureate Magnet High School, was honored by HR 131 for being named the Texas State Teacher of the Year.
From my very limited experience in education, it seems like it is seldom that teachers are recognized for what they do every day. I did not realize this myself at all until recently just how talented, hard-working, dedicated, caring, etc etc, a person has to be in order to maintain the level of academic stimulation in the classroom as Sherry (as her former students fondly call her) were able to with us for year after year.
Sherry is one of the few teachers that stand out in my academic career- and that says a lot. I have had far more than my share of amazing teachers. The only thing I wish is that I could study under her longer as some of the academics of old used to be able to do.
And so, the 79th Session of the House of Representatives for the State of Texas passed the following resolution:

House Resolution 131
WHEREAS, Hirschi High School teacher Sherry Lindemann of
Wichita Falls has been named the Texas Secondary Teacher of the Year
in recognition of her exemplary record of service to the youth of
the Lone Star State; and
WHEREAS, In winning the prestigious accolade, Ms. Lindemann
was selected from nearly 300,000 educators from across the state
and earned the opportunity to speak at a number of teaching
conferences, as well as the chance to meet with President George W.
Bush; and
WHEREAS, Although originally planning on a career in law, Ms.
Lindemann followed in the footsteps of her parents and became an
educator after serving as a substitute teacher; over the course of
her 16-year career, she has earned a master’s degree and taught at
nearly all of the schools in the Wichita Falls district, including
tenures as a traveling adapted physical education teacher and an
instructor at the junior high magnet school; currently, this
exemplary educator holds class at Hirschi High School, teaching its
International Baccalaureate history program; and
WHEREAS, Sherry Lindemann embodies the highest ideals of her
noble profession and she is a role model for students and peers
alike, forging a lasting impression on the lives of innumerable
young Texans; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas
Legislature hereby congratulate Sherry Lindemann on winning the
Texas Secondary Teacher of the Year title and commend her for her
commitment to the students of Wichita Falls; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for Ms. Lindemann as an expression of high regard by the
Texas House of Representatives.


One response

  1. Kari Avatar

    This is freaking amazing. I always knew what an awesome teacher that she was but the fact that it is now known all over the state of Texas is fabulous. I can honestly say that nothing I have learned in college about history and/or government can compare to the teachings that Sherry taught me. 🙂

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