god and violence

I’m not here to voice support for Pope Benedict XVI’s statements in Germany that has caused the uproar in the Muslim community. Nor am I here to dictate to the Pontiff that he should apologize or do anything else.
The point of his speech was to focus on God and violence as being incompatible. Violence and the spreading of faith are not things that go hand in hand.
In response to the statement, which included a quote detesting Mulism use of violence to spread their faith, was violence.
From the International Hearld Tribuine:

In West Bank attacks on four churches, Palestinians used guns, firebombs and lighter fluid, leaving church doors charred and walls scorched by flames and pocked with bullet holes. No one was reported injured. Two Catholic churches, an Anglican one and a Greek Orthodox one were hit. A Greek Orthodox church was also attacked in Gaza City.

I don’t care what anyone says about anything or what pictures are drawn in a cartoon: reacting to injustice or abuse or oppression or valid difference of thought or simple disagreement or whatnot (whatever the case is) through violence is unjustified and wrong.
It is simply wrong.
Violence should be used only when it must and only to preserve life, that is legitimate defense.
Protests, a valid form of social expression, are no longer valid once violence against people or against property exists.
When protesting how a person says that God and violence not being compatible, using violence to vent your anger toward how he said it is simply wrong.
Can you be upset? Sure. Can you disagree with his premise? Yup. Can you call on him to apologize and take back his comments? Without a doubt. Can you set things on fire? No. Can you shoot at churches? No. Can you firebomb a place of worship? No.
I think the Muslims that are protesting in such violent ways should stop and I ask their leaders remind them that the call of peace is universal, no matter who is wronged.





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