I’ve been using MT forever, it seems. Since v. 2.5 (now on MT5.02). Overall, I’ve loved it. I like that I can manage all of our blogs (mine, V’s, the family site, Catholic Thinker) plus a non-blog site (kraft.im, that, ideally, will expand in time).
Lately, I’ve been less than impressed with plugins. Seems like after MT 3, people have been jumping off the bandwagon. Many plugins in the directory are for MT 3. Some have been made in the MT 4 era. Few seem to have been updated for MT 5.
Themes/styles are another. I’m not very graphically talented, so I want a basic template that looks good and I’m comfortable tweaking it from there. It has been increasingly more difficult to find good themes for MT.
I’ve started playing on WordPress,com with a blog. I’ve jumped over to adding WP to my site and running a beta blog on it. I’m impressed with the ease of adding templates (enter your FTP password and it’s done). Same for plugins.
I won’t drop MT cold-turkey. I think my wife is happy with it for her and the family’s blog. The kraft.im site makes me sense to me (at the moment) to run via MT, although I’d want to figure out a way to have my blog entries filter to the home page (done automatically now via MT’s website-over-blog structure).
The commenting system differences seem not to matter. If someone is going to comment on my work, Facebook seem to be the way to go.
Any thoughts out there?
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