Author: Brandon Kraft
my history teacher
Today in the Texas House, Sherry Lindemann, my former government/economics/History of the Americas/World History Topics teacher at the Hirschi Math-Science International Baccalaureate Magnet High School, was honored by HR 131 for being named the Texas State Teacher of the Year. From my very limited experience in education, it seems like it is seldom that teachers…
the pope is still feeling bad
The Vatican Press Office announced today that “As expected, the flu-like symptoms affecting the Holy Father persist. As a consequence, his appointments for the coming days have been postponed. In particular, the general audience scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday February 2, will not take place.”
prayers of the state: jan 25-31, 2005
Well, I’ve been remiss on keeping this updated. My gallon schedule is trying to fit into a pint milk carton. If you notice, on January 25th, both the House and the Senate were led in prayer by Catholic priests. During the day, HR 72, a resolution “commemorating the 2005 annual conference of the Catholic Health…
the pope is a little under the weather
The Vatican Information Service reports that the Pope cancelled his scheduled events for the day due to “flu-like” symptoms. Please keep him in your prayers that he, and all who suffer from ill health, may be spared from the pain and suffering connected to them. The last time the Pope cancelled an appointment at the…
they spent a day on this?
When reading the journals of the Texas House and Senate for the Prayers of the State segment for January 24th, I realized that they did nothing today. When I say nothing, let me expand a bit. In both the House and the Senate, they took note of two proclamations by the Governor as well as…
prayers of the state: jan 24, 2005
After a little break, everyone is back in Austin to play a little government some more. The 4th day of the 140-day session started in the House with Rev. Richard A. Young, pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Uvalde: Gracious and loving Lord, we come to you today as servants of you and…