Author: Brandon Kraft
prayers of the state: jan 13, 2005
Tom Goodman of the Hillcrest Baptist Church in Austin uses the traditional 70-word Protestant Our Father: Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive…
prayers of the state: jan 12, 2005
I have a few minutes to catch up on this since I got out of class early. The House gives us a prayer from Rev. John Evans of the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. The Seminary is across the street from The University of Texas at Austin’s northern border. Great and gracious God, mighty ruler of…
prayers of the state: jan 11, 2005
I want to make it a running feature of my site to display the prayers said in the Texas House and Senate during the 140-day session this year. I am a couple of days behind but both houses are taking a break until January 24th to allow a group to head to see President Bush…
school finance: taxes are never that easy
Jorge left a comment on my last entry about the 1.50/100 rate tax cap and how we aren’t being capped at that. The cap isn’t as clear as everyone, including me, make it out to be. Currently school district property tax rates are capped at 1.50/100 for maintenance and operations. They are, however, allowed to…
texas school finance
The Austin American-Statesman reports that the Texas Senators have agreed to levy a $1/$100 statewide property tax, as well as expand the franchise tax, in order to help save public education in the state. Currently, since the so-called Robin Hood plan was struck down, schools are financed by a locally-administered property tax that is capped…
that was a break
My first post of the year is tweleve days late. In that time, I’ve been a little bit of everywhere- Wichita Falls, Dallas, Austin, Houston and Wichita, KS. Wichita Falls: I was in Wichita Falls for the bulk of the break for the usual family and friends’ meetings. The main thing I learned: three weeks…