Author: Brandon Kraft

  • separation of church and state

    I am a Catholic through-and-through. I believe in all the tenets of the Catholic Church and wished that all men would follow them as well. Equally so, I know that if all would follow Christ and His Church, peace would reign over the earth. That being said, I have been thinking and reflecting a good…

  • death comes to all

    From an article about the Lakeway plane crash in the Austin American-Statesman: He’d heard that Syler’s childhood friend and former business partner, Curtis Treadwell, had died in a plane crash earlier Tuesday just outside Lakeway, along with Treadwell’s wife, Jennifer, their two children and Jason Jones, a friend and business associate of both Treadwell and…

  • arizona might be on to something

    I found this link via Dappled Things about Arizona’s Stupid Motorist Law. I like it 🙂 KGUN 9 News

  • Bishop Aymond and Priestly Transfers

    Parish rallies behind priest In today’s Metro section of the Austin American-Statesman, a story ran about St. Theresa’s parish in Austin and a priestly transfer currently in progress. After a five-year term as pastor, Fr. Gregory Romanski is being transferred to St. Martin de Porres Parish. Many parishioners disagree and wish for Fr. Greg to…

  • Educational Reform Blueprint

    Perhaps I don’t have the experience or the training needed to write up a blueprint on how to reform the educational process in this country. However, I do have some experience and I do have some training so I feel like I’m qualified to say something about blueprinting education reform. I found a section of…

  • so many books so little time

    Hello, my name is Brandon and I’m addicted to books. I have a bedroom covered with books- almost every corner has a book or two or four or six stacked up. All kinds of books as well. Campbell’s Biology to Sources of Chinese Tradition (as well as the Japanese and Koren counterparts) to the red…