Author: Brandon Kraft

  • an annual event?

    Almost a year to the day, I wrote an entry about a news story reporting the the pope took a morning drive and how everso exciting it was. Today, I open my e-mail to find this headliner from the Zenit News Service: Poor Weather Halts Papal Outing LES COMBES, Italy, JULY 7, 2004 ( Heavy…

  • a little dorky

    If you notice near the bottom of the sidebar, I added a “total word count” header. That is how many words I’ve typed in this blog. Kinda sick. Also, you’ll notice that every entry now has a word count on it.

  • the four year plan

    Since I know oh-so-many chemistry majors out there, I’m going to throw out the remainder of my four-year plan so all of you can wait to take your classes until a time where you can take them with me ::grin:: Summer 2004 (4 hours): BIO 213 (Intro Bio: Diversity and Ecology) BIO 214 (Intro Bio:…

  • fall 2004: registration? third time a charm?

    50055 — BIO 325 (Genetics) — TTh 9:30-11, M 3-4 52560 — CH 310M (Organic I) — MWF 12-1 52805 — CH 431 (Inorganic-W) — TTh 11-12:30, F 9-12 57935 — M 408K (Differential Calc) MTWThF 8-9 I met with my chemistry advisor today for the first time; she suggested a slightly different four-year plan…

  • Happy Fourth of July

    This is just a quick entry wishing you all a Happy 4th of July. I’ve been working on a big project that will be announced on here soon. I also found a copy of the charges filed against Kerry online so in addition to working on the Mass draft (which is going slowly since well,…

  • kerry charged with heresy

    A Catholic in Boston has filed heresy charges against Senator John Kerry with the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Boston. I have no comment yet, but I’m sure I will later.