Author: Brandon Kraft

  • going home for christmas

    Yesterday, I drove from Austin to Irving to drop off Hung and then back to Wichita Falls. It started as the usual trip to DFW then home. I ran by the post office on campus and then dropped by La Fiesta to pick up Hung. We load up everything, say goodbye to everyone else still…

  • home sweet home

    I’m back in Wichita Falls for the first half of the break. I have a few projects that I hope to finish up while I’m home that I’ll mention in more detail in future posts. For now, the first project: sleep.

  • around the state

    Just a quick post- went south to the Riverwalk tonight. A nice little trip, the river was well decorated for Christmas. I need to get up early and get to the Austin airport by 10 am so just a short post for now. “It can happen in your sleep.” — Just remember that. “Sure can”

  • quote of the day

    “If God causes you to suffer much, it is a sign that He has great designs for you, and that He certainly intends to make you a Saint.” -St. Ignatius Loyola

  • a deep dark night

    For most things personal, I would most an entry in my private blog that virtually no one knows about or has access to; however, I feel like using the public site for a little soapbox. My website, my rules, eh? There are many trying times that face all of us, as individuals, as groups, as…

  • short one

    I’ll get back in the habit of writing soon. Many of you know that around my birthday I was given two traffic tickets, both payable to the City of Austin. I went downtown to a meeting today and I didn’t have enough for the meter so I chanced it with what I had. It wasn’t…