going home for christmas

Yesterday, I drove from Austin to Irving to drop off Hung and then back to Wichita Falls. It started as the usual trip to DFW then home. I ran by the post office on campus and then dropped by La Fiesta to pick up Hung. We load up everything, say goodbye to everyone else still at La Fiesta (i.e. Marion) and hit IH-35 without looking back. Just a few miles before Hillsboro, we start looing back. Why? We had nothing else to do. Traffic was killer and we were moving at a slug’s pace. Hung and I decide to take a random exit and just follow the roads. We found a highway in Hillsboro (I think it was US 77) and then we decide to forget about the interstates and find our way to Irving on US and State highways. We take US 77 towards Waxahachie. It was a nice scenic route with no traffic and a 70 MPH speed limit.
We stopped to check out their courthouse (Ellis County) and they have a statue to honor the confederates from Ellis County that fell during the Civil War. It was erected in 1912. We went a little further down US 77 and had some chicken for dinner. We see what all we wished to in Waxahachie and headed east. We find US 287 and take that north. We cross under IH-35E and after a few street lights, we keep on truckin. I had planned on hitting IH-20 and taking that to SH 360 to head towards Irving. I don’t know the roads in DFW too well- enough to get to where I want to go. So, when I found out that SH 360 has its southern terminus point at US 287, the dream of avoiding the interstate seemed possible. We take SH 360 north passing by Pioneer Parkway (SP 303). That reminded me of St. Matt’s parish just off of Pioneer. I stayed there a couple of times for different things, namely as part of the core Holy Spirit Crew for Region X Youth Conference 2000. Good youth minister.
Anyhow, we continue north on SH 360 until we reach SH 183. We head west towards Irving. We take SH 356 into Irving and some local streets to drop Hung off. I reverse myself on SH 356 and SH 183. I meet back up with SH 360 and head north. Sh 360 merges with SH 121 and I realize I went from the southern terminus to the north terminus of the highway. Anyhow, I take the William D. Tate exit in Grapevine and swing it over to West SH 114. I took that past Texas Motor Speedway back to US 287- this time north of the metroplex. That brought me all the way to Wichita Falls. I swung over to US 281 and then found my way
That was my trip home. Nothing too exciting but it was nice to go off of the usual path.


One response

  1. jen Avatar

    you sillie boys…you should have taken pics of your random exploring off the highway..hehe…hope you’re doing well kraftyiness…merry merry christmas..and bunches of hugs!!!!!!!! love ya lots!!!

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