Author: Brandon Kraft
back to ‘normal’
Well, I got the site back up; however, the same problems on my end remain. I’m going to ask the MT people if they have any ideas. If they don’t, I’m going to suffer through it while looking for something better out there that my system will operate correctly. Update: Alright, actually, it’s slightly worse.…
two months old but funny
China Paper Bites on Onion Gag ( First off, yes this is late. Very late. This happened in early June- but this is the first time I ran across it and I thought most of y’all might like the little laugh that it would give you. We all know and love The Onion for it’s…
what’s sensitive?
“Some guys might not agree with this, but the most sensitive milimeter of tissue on the body is in your eye” — Professor Oler, Psychobiology, Trinity College in Hartford, CT (as recored on Trinity’s Daily Jolt)
random status info
So far, this website has hosted two polls. The first was “Graduate Programs”, a poll asking what you think I should do in the years following graduation. It has been by far the most interesting poll ever taken in the quest to tell me what to do. The other poll is the “Meeting Places” poll.…
Why I Don’t Trust Santa
This weekend, I was going through old disks I had in my room in Wichita Falls just to see what all was on them. I found this old picture of two of my friends, Brandie (left) and Prissy, with Santa. It looks like just any normal picture of two teenage girls with Santa, right? (Note:…
i’m linux!
This is a little quiz I found while searching around the ‘net for whatever. It’s for techies so many of y’all out there, don’t worry about trying it!