Category: Microblog

  • Mole Fairy

    My mother-in-law walked in, set down a huge container of chicken mole, then left the house. That was pretty amazing. Also on: Facebook X

  • Vanessa and the Law

    Once, Vanessa was given an “enhanced security” screening for having a hair tie in her back pocket. You better believe I’m never going to forget that. “Don’t forget to check your pockets for lint!” Also on: X X

  • Ziploc Bags

    For school this year, the older two need very specific types and sizes of Ziploc bags. I’ve bought them twice. Twice, I bought the wrong ones. Also on: X Facebook

  • Preschool Recital

    I’m in a three-block line to enter a preschool recital. Also on: X

  • FitBit Confusion

  • Just in the nick of time…

    I was mere seconds from going to bed when I thought to check that I started the dishwasher. To my children and their breakfast plates, you’re welcome. Bank of America Building, Austin, Texas, United States of America Also on: X