Category: Reflections

  • Reflection from Wednesday of the Ninth Week of OT

    This is from a few days ago. When I arrived at work on Wednesday, I was asked to lead a communion service since all of our priests were at a convocation with the Bishop and the individual who was to do the communion service was completely swamped all of a sudden. I wrote up a…

  • OR: Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter

    I wrote this yesterday while sitting in a coffee shop in Houston, away from a computer or an Internet connection. The Office of Readings for [yesterday] (Saturday of the 7th Week of Easter) had two interesting readings: the first was the entire third letter of St. John (don’t worry, it is only 14 verses) and…

  • There is a Great Silence

    Today is Holy Saturday. The day Jesus spent in the tomb. For a reflection today, I repost what I wrote in March 2005 in this blog: Today is Holy Saturday. The Church throughout the whole world is silent today. Most all sacramental functions are forbidden- even Holy Communion may only be given as Viaticum. The…

  • The Final Week

    Now that we’ve celebrated the Sixth Sunday of Lent, which is actually Palm Sunday, so now past almost all of Lenten journey toward Easter. I pray that it was a beneficial one for you. Mine… well… let’s say that it started with me enjoying a homemade pizza on the First Friday of Lent, complete with turkey pepperoni. It…

  • More poverty posts online

    At midnight and a few minutes ago, another couple of posts from me as part of Blog Action Day 2008 are online at Catholic Thinker.

  • BXVI in NYC: Pope of the Internet

    I’m drafting this message in flight on American 384, non-stop service from DFW to JFK, on my way for my Papal weekend. This morning was the public Mass at National’s Stadium in Washington, DC, yesterday included a ceremony at the White House (complete with the Battle Hymn of the Republic and Happy Birthday for the…