Category: Reflections
Stephen Colbert and Facing Death
Not too long ago, GQ published a fantastic article on Stephen Colbert as he prepares to take the reigns of The Late Show from the 23-year veteran David Letterman. I like Colbert. From everything I’ve heard of him, he’s a man who is simply solid. A man of faith, of family, of generally trying to…
Seeing Race
The moment that many white students walk into my course they are experiencing a series of firsts: The first time many of them have had a black teacher or professor. The first time many of them have ever taken a class dealing with African-American history. The first time many of them have been in…
I Am A Core Contributor
Impostor syndrome. It’s a bitch. If you’re not familiar, impostor syndrome is used freely as the in-vogue way of describing the feeling that you’re an impostor. Somehow, someone made a mistake when they hired you, picked you to lead a project, promoted you, describe you as an “expert” or something else like that. If they really…
Who Owns the Dead?
Would I want a death doula? Hmm.
In Defense of AA
Now I do want to make one thing clear: AA is by no means the only way to get sober, or even the best. There is no “best” way.The best way to get sober is how you got sober. Source: Sorry, that AA “study” is bullshit — The Real Edition — Medium Norcross wrote a…
Are We Promiscuous Drinkers?
Boston Magazine’s recent article on the Boston Beer Company and their Sam Adams brand’s standing—or lack thereof—in the craft beer world is making the rounds. Particular of note is the article’s notion that the latest generation of beer lovers are brand-agnostic. We, so the article states to Jim Koch’s ire, care more about the new…