Category: Site Info
Facepile Lives
Rough, but any new ‘like’ webmention to my site will be given a ‘like’ custom comment type and displayed in a facepile. Still need to convert the existing ones. See both previous (for now) and new likes on this post about Fr. Bill. Also on: X X
Same site, only blog-ier: Introducing
I flipped my site over last night to live officially at In addition to being a more accurate domain name than “”, it’s also a bit easier to say and share with folks. No offense to the Isle of Man—the country for whom .im belongs—I’ve spread your fame far and wide in sharing my…
PHP 7!
After running HHVM with a PHP 5.6 fallback for about six months, I switched over to PHP 7. Initially, left HHVM on as a fallback to PHP (ha), but after a week, Nginx never attempted to use HHVM. Checking the average memory consumption, on an average day, never-used HHVM was using more memory than serving-everything PHP…
Ups and Downs
All I’m going to say about last night and why there is no post today is confirm your Ngnix conf files are actually backed up somewhere. Not just that the directory they are in is set to be backed up, but actually backed up.
Congrats WordPress 4.4!
WordPress 4.4 is now available on a website near you. First up, the release video: WordPress 4.4 added some major things behind the scenes (REST API infrastructure) and really sweet things on the front end, like responsive imaging. For all of you Jetpack users, Photon already supports the vast majority of new hotness with responsive…
Let’s Encrypt!
Let’s Encrypt—the free, automated SSL certificate authority is now in public beta. Check out my experience installing it on Nginx.