Category: College

  • if the romans had pop radio

    If the Romans had pop radio, Catullus would be playing on it. This observation was made today after we translated a prose adaptation of Catullus 8. (N.B. I’m in LAT 506 which is the lowest-level taught at UT so it’s nothing groundbreaking…) Puella mea mē nōn amat. Valē, puella! Catullus obdūrat: poēta puellam nōn amat,…

  • ‘old school’ in real life

    Tomorrow’s edition of The Daily Texan includes a story about Coolio peforming at a fraternity party this past Friday night. Phi Kappa Psi paid $10,000 plus expenses (which included a VIP room stocked with 20 pieces of fried chicken and honey) for Coolio, most famous for “Gangsta’s Paradise”, to play a 90-minute set in front…

  • Sexual Values

    I am enrolled in EDP 363 (Human Sexuality and Relationships). An aspect of this course includes several personal reflection. Below is the first exploring the topic “My Sexual Values”. It is intended to be nothing more than a quick reflection. As I note, I am writing this for a sexuality class at a secular university…

  • warriors of the .net project

    [Originally published related to INF312/STS311] Another assignment for my i312 course. The short animated film explained the basic process of data transfer over a network and the Internet. First and foremost, I learned that data packets are boxy little devices that are routed by robotic arms and moving platforms. In all seriousness, the process of…

  • the internet: behind the world wide web

    [Originally published related to INF312/STS311] Below is another reflection for my i312 course. This one concerned a documentary about the origin of the Internet. The documentary was very informative, detailing the origins of the Internet. The Internet was created by an organic process that found inspiration in random places. One theme of the documentary was…

  • online privacy

    [Originally published related to INF312/STS311] Do you intend to change any of your current behaviors regarding your personal information as the result of what you have learned? Why or why not? For the most part, no. I already use a spam-friendly e-mail address for public postings and do what I can to restrict information being…