Category: College

  • job hunting and blogs

    [Originally published related to INF312/STS311] According to Professor Elizabeth Lawley, it is almost standard practice for employers to do a Web search on job applicants. Assuming she is correct, what would a potential employer find out about you? Is your online presence an accurate reflection of the person you are? (and is that the person…

  • the classroom of tomorrow

    [Originally published related to INF312/STS311] A couple of nights ago, I attended my first “virtual class” for INF 312. The professor spoke to the students through a live video feed (either Real or Quicktime). The students interacted with each other and the professor by using a chat client. In this case, we used Blackboard‘s built-in…

  • i312: this shouldn’t be too bad

    [Originally published related to INF312/STS311] With the first summer session starting last week, I started INF 312 (Information in Cyberspace). This course in the School of Information is designed to give students a understanding of basic internet concepts hitting highlights such as Unix, proper XHTML coding, basic computer security and whatnot. The course is web-based…

  • west campus woes

    Tonight, I went outside to find my poor car the lastest hit and run victim. There are pictures online for your viewing pleasure. They are located at my new photo website; if you notice any problems with it, please let me know. I called 311 (police non-emergency) and Austin PD came out very quickly. The…

  • rising tuition

    I’m not going to comment at all on the numbers below for the moment. I’m just going to let it sink in: All these numbers are for flat-rate full-time. Also, starting with Spring 2005, it is in the College of Liberal Arts instead of the College of Natural Sciences. COLA is a few hundred dollars…

  • sociological reflection on the teachings of the catholic church

    This is an open call to any thoughts, reflections or ideas related to the sociologial dimension of the teachings of the Catholic Church. I am currently studying the Sociology of Sexuality at The University of Texas at Austin and the professor is not a strong beacon for the Church, to say it mildly. I am…