

MailChimp Tutorial

Carrie Dils has put together a great video tutorial on setting on MailChimp. I highly suggest giving it a quick watch!

That should be it!


Travis Van Slooten sent me the following information to help those using Aweber:

  • For the form action field, use:
  • For the email field, use “email” (without quotes)
  • For the hidden fields, it will contain account-specific information. They’ll look something like this:
    <input type="hidden" name="meta_web_form_id" value="[[user specific number]]" />
    <input type="hidden" name="meta_split_id" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="listname" value="ao-primary-list" />
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<wbr>thankyou-coi.htm?m=text" id="redirect_[[user specific number]]" />
    <input type="hidden" name="meta_adtracking" value="Main_Web_Form" />
    <input type="hidden" name="meta_message" value="1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="meta_required" value="email" />
    <input type="hidden" name="meta_tooltip" value="email||Email" />


According to FeedBlitz, you can find this by “logging into FeedBlitz, go to your Newsletter Center, and click the HTML subscription form button on the right.”

Most likely, you’ll need to include
as the form action field,
as the e-mail field name, and
something like this for the hidden fields (it’ll vary as this is what tells feedblitz what list to subscribe the visitors:

<input name="EMAIL_" maxlength="64" type="hidden" size="25" value="">
<input name="EMAIL_ADDRESS" maxlength="64" type="hidden" size="25" value="">
<input name="FEEDID" type="hidden" value="UNIQUE VALUE">
<input name="PUBLISHER" type="hidden" value="UNIQUE VALUE">

Mad Mimi

Brad wrote up an excellent tutorial for Mad Mimi over on his site. Check it out!


Folks have reported Infusionsoft works by taking a few strings from the embed code provided. Details.

Campaign Monitor Hidden Custom Field

This tutorial was written by janehayes originally on the forums. Thank you!

In Campaign Monitor, I have configured a “Signup Source” Custom Field for my List. This way I can segment my List by where they signed up. This field has values like “Website”, “Twitter”, etc. I wanted my website contact form to populate “Signup Source” with the value “Website.”

To have eNews populate a specific value for a custom field along with the form submission, here’s what I did:

1. In your CM signup form creation, make sure the Custom Field you want to include is checked.

2. In the CM signup form code, find the entries that look like

id="fjiehgue" < YOURFIELDID
name="cm-fjiehgue" < YOURFIELDNAME
value="0348395" < YOURVALUE

for this Custom Field and the corresponding value you want it to have.

3. In the eNews widget, under Hidden Fields, enter the following...


4. That's it! Save your form.

5. To test your form, make a new submission and go look at the Subscriber's entry to confirm that your Custom Field populated correctly.


ConvertKit’s knowledgebase has a great article on setting up Genesis eNews Extended on their service.

Other Considerations

Having trouble with the privacy policy link? Make sure you have a Privacy Page set in the WordPress options under Settings->Privacy.

You’re adding the name fields and see something funky

What the hell? This looks like trash!
What the hell? This looks like trash!

I agree. This looks bad. Previously, the plugin just built a form that utilized the existing styling that StudioPress used in their themes. StudioPress, though, didn’t include styling for other fields besides e-mail address. Some themes, like Streamline, include an icon that wouldn’t make sense in every field.

The fix is easy though. I will start posting suggested CSS for the various StudioPress themes. Please note: As this is a free plugin that I provide without compensation except the thus-far non-present donations, I will entertain requests for StudioPress themes, available in the Pro Pack, that I haven’t done, but I do not have the bandwidth to assist on custom themes.

Minimum 2.0

In this case, this is the Minimum 2.0 theme. It’s an easy fix to get it to look better. Open up the style.css in the Minimum theme and change this on line 1217:

.enews #subbox, .s {

to this:

.enews #subbox, #subbox1, #subbox2, .s {

Presto chango:

That's better!
That’s better!

Some folks are nonplussed by Minimum’s lack of submit button. A little freebie. In style.css, open it and head to line 1237. Change it from

.enews #subbutton, .searchsubmit {


.searchsubmit {

That works for some folks, but what if you want it on the same line as the e-mail address. In that case, add this to your style.css

.enews #subbox {
width: 77%;

That’ll give you:

Whoa nelly!
Whoa nelly!


Edit line 1297 to from

.enews #subbox {


.enews #subbox, .enews #subbox1, .enews #subbox2 {

Example in Executive 2.0
Example in Executive 2.0


Metro includes out-of-the-box support for the name fields, though if you use them in the after-post area, it may look funky. Replace the section starting at line 1427 with the following to fix that up.


Find the line in style.css that says
.enews #subbox {
and change it to
.enews #subbox, .enews #subbox1 {
then after the closing } of that section, add

.enews #subbox1 {
background: #fff;

More to come, but a taste for now. You don’t have to use both fields and just need to make sure that your name field name matches what you’re mailing list provider is expecting. Have a particular StudioPress theme you want support for, submit a ticket at the plugin’s forum.


2 responses

  1. Jason Seabolt Avatar

    Is it possible to use this plugin with Constant Contact. If so, how?