Random Musings by Kraft

  • a different type of hotdog map

    I found this today and enjoyed playing with it. My test? Hot Dogs Across America CommunityWalk Map – Hot Dogs

  • no, carole keeton strayhorn, just no

    There are antics in politics that stretch as far as Texas is wide, but that is to be expected so they roll off my back like water. Sometimes, there are some that I simply can’t ignore. YOUR NAME ISN’T GRANDMA, CAROLE KEETON STRAYHORN. For those unaware, Texas is coming up to a gubernatorial election that…

  • i’m a ebay seller

    I’m selling my first eBay item. It is an old CD-RW burner that I bought summer between freshman and sophomore year. It works great, I just never really burned anything on it. With my old computrer going to that computer discount aisle in the sky, my new computer had a CD/DVD-RW so bye-bye external. For…

  • $2 ain’t bad

    So far this summer, I’ve been a little bit of everywhere. In late May, I was in New York City for the Paulist Fathers’ Pre-Assembly. In June, I drove to Bapchule, AZ for Camp Bapchule. While I was in New York City, my mind was fixed on one subject. Hot Dogs. Since it is NYC,…

  • gallery album limits?

    I’m not 100% sure, but I’m starting to figure out that Gallery albums may have limits. We have been using my website as the photo depository for pictures from Camp Bapchule. Last year, we only had about 150 pictures total. This year, we have over 400! Since personally, I’ve never taken that many pictures for…

  • wichita falls to lose catholic medicine

    United Regional Health Care System (URHCS) announced that The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth are leaving effective July 31st from their Wichita Falls medical operations. Catholic-sponsored health care started in Wichita Falls in 1935 with the Sisters opened Bethania Hospital on 11th Street and moved into a convent across the street. Over the…