The twins are now big enough to not need a booster seat in the cars anymore. As I drag four seats (2 kids, 2 cars) to the garage, it is bonkers how much money all that was and how… just not needed anymore.
Random Musings by Kraft
Texas 1C Announced
Texas vaccine access has expanded to include all those 50 or older. See all the phases and some tips for Austin.
Eyes of Texas Report Released
As an alumnus, I am very happy to see the detail in The University of Texas at Austin “Eyes of Texas” report. I need to sit with it, read it carefully, and think about it before commenting further. Agree or disagree, I do appreciate the obvious time and effort that went into it. The site…
Back to Normal?
Sigh. Here’s my take on what Gov. Abbott will announce tomorrow.
Genesis eNews Extended 2.2
Genesis eNews Extended 2.2.0 adds new classes to aim in custom theming.
A New Record
I’m not going to resume my daily COVID posts that I did over the summer (at least not yet), but wanted to interrupt my non-programming to share that Texas hit a new record high number today. 10,865 new cases reported in the last 24 hours.
The Vatican released today a report from the Secretariat of State on Theodore McCarrick, the sexual abuser and predator who rose the hierarchy’s ranks to became a Cardinal. I’ve only had a chance to skim it, so this isn’t a full summary except to say that some bishops didn’t share their full knowledge, some ignored…