Random Musings by Kraft

  • The twins are now big enough to not need a booster seat in the cars anymore. As I drag four seats (2 kids, 2 cars) to the garage, it is bonkers how much money all that was and how… just not needed anymore.

previous notes

  • Texas 1C Announced

    Texas 1C Announced

    Texas vaccine access has expanded to include all those 50 or older. See all the phases and some tips for Austin.

  • Eyes of Texas Report Released

    Eyes of Texas Report Released

    As an alumnus, I am very happy to see the detail in The University of Texas at Austin “Eyes of Texas” report. I need to sit with it, read it carefully, and think about it before commenting further. Agree or disagree, I do appreciate the obvious time and effort that went into it. The site…

  • Back to Normal?

    Back to Normal?

    Sigh. Here’s my take on what Gov. Abbott will announce tomorrow.

  • Genesis eNews Extended 2.2

    Genesis eNews Extended 2.2

    Genesis eNews Extended 2.2.0 adds new classes to aim in custom theming.

  • A New Record

    I’m not going to resume my daily COVID posts that I did over the summer (at least not yet), but wanted to interrupt my non-programming to share that Texas hit a new record high number today. 10,865 new cases reported in the last 24 hours.

  • McCarrick


    The Vatican released today a report from the Secretariat of State on Theodore McCarrick, the sexual abuser and predator who rose the hierarchy’s ranks to became a Cardinal. I’ve only had a chance to skim it, so this isn’t a full summary except to say that some bishops didn’t share their full knowledge, some ignored…