busy time of the semester

This is a very busy time of the semester and so my posting will continue to be light. Last weekend was pledge retreat, a scavenger hunt that a couple of us put together for Catholic Students Association, and an all-nighter on Sunday night. I had a long day Monday including a handful of meetings and a test. There is another test on Thursday. Pledge Night, the major ceremonial aspect of the pledging process before initiation, is Wednesday night. The Israel Block Party is Thursday and the Catholic Center was asked to have a display for an informational tent. I finished designing that today and will mount it tomorrow hopefully. Tuesday is the usual Lambda meetings. Thursday is Awakening Spiritual Night and Before The Throne. Friday is the 2nd Annual Fish Fry (come out! 11-2pm).
This weekend is Longhorn Awakening #38- a three-day retreat for and by college students. Monday brings me back to the world with another test. A friend from Notre Dame will be in town Sunday through Wednesday. The rest of the week is light with Buffalo Billards mixer on Thursday being the only thing out of the norm. Next weekend starts Spring Break and with it an eight-day mission trip to Mexico. We arrive back in the States late into the night/early in the morning of Palm Sunday. After that, there are more tests and with Holy Week, an Easter vigil that needs to be coordinated.
While it is laudable to do so many things, there is something to do be said for the peacefulness of a day with nothing to do. I think I’ll be scheduling a Kraft holiday during the Easter season.


One response

  1. Julie Avatar

    Wow, Kraft…I just couldn’t resist posting a comment after reading all that… I must say that I do not envy your schedule this week. I’ll keep you in my prayers… hang in there!! I can empathize, as I’ve been there before…well maybe not quite to this extent, but something close.

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