Rita is Approaching

Although Austin is 150 miles away from the coast, we’re still watching this storm and preparing in case it hits us. (Remember, Jackson, MS lost power for 10 days and just as far inland).

Yesterday, I announced that the Lambda pledge retreat could be cancelled and rescheduled if severe weather made it to Austin. As time passes, it appears that Hurricane Rita is slowing down enough to not impact the retreat. “Official” word won’t be made until tomorrow afternoon to be safe.

It looks like we’ll be housing some friends-of-friends who evacuated the area.

Bishop Aymond of the Diocese of Austin has released information to assist parishes with any possible impact. This information includes his request that if the Red Cross or any state agency asks to use church facilities, we should attempt to fulfill the request to the best of our ability.

Hopefully, we’ll get only a little wind and a little rain here.


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