no, carole keeton strayhorn, just no

There are antics in politics that stretch as far as Texas is wide, but that is to be expected so they roll off my back like water. Sometimes, there are some that I simply can’t ignore.
For those unaware, Texas is coming up to a gubernatorial election that has produced a good bit of news. In addition to the usual Democrat (Chris Bell) and Republican (Rick Perry), there are two independents with a lot of steam in the mix. The left-leaning Richard “Kinky” Friedman and former Republican Carole Keeton Strayhorn.
Texas Election Code states what name should be on the ballot, including allowing a nickname to be used given that the nickname is not based as a political slogan.
So, James Richard Perry became Rick Perry, after the name he uses on a day-to-day basis. It is allowed without quotations and looks like his normal given name since, well, it comes from it. More importantly to me, he uses it day-to-day. I actually had to do a little research to figure out what his actual name is because he never uses it.
R. Christopher Bell became Chris Bell. I can’t find what the R stands for. He uses Chris every day of his life. It comes from his name.
Richard Friedman became Richard “Kinky” Friedman. Now, there’s something different here. They let him put Kinky on the ballot. Why? Because he’s been using the name on a day-to-day basis for something like 35 years. Even then, they required his full first name and the use of quotation marks. It is a middle ground between a random nickname and the name he uses every day.
Carole Keeton Strayhorn was told no, she couldn’t be called Grandma on the ballot. Why? IT ISN’T HER NAME NOR A REGULARLY USED NICKNAME. The only context I’ve heard her called “grandma” is in the slogan “Carole Keeton Strayhorn: One Tough Grandma”.
She has never used it on her stationary. Not on previous ballots when she ran for other state offices either. I’ve never called her office and heard “Grandma Stayhorn Office, how can I direct your call?”. You know why- because it isn’t her nickname. At least, not her nickname the way the law intends a nickname to be.
I haven’t taken the time to really investigate the candidates for this election yet. I was still undecided. Until now. I’m not voting for Carole Keeton Strayhorn. I don’t care what she says she wants for Texas- if she throws a fit about something like this and sues the Secretary of State to get her way, she isn’t for me. Period.
Am I wrong? I don’t understand how she can have an actual case here that anyone with any ounce of logic would consider valid.
In other news, start calling me “Best Candidate for the Job Kraft”. Maybe if everyone starts now, I can convince the Secretary of State that I’m not trying to throw a fast one by him. I would hate for State to try to destroy my political rights by telling me I’m only using that name as a campaign technique.


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