the paulist mission: restated

The Paulist Fathers, the religious order that stewards the University Catholic Center, has recently restated their mission.
Previously, they stated their mission in a long “Mission Directive Statement”. The MDS, while fully inclusive, required someone to have some idea of what words like “evangelization” and “reconciliation” meant in their context. While good, it wasn’t something that every lay person could read and could understand what it meant.
The new statement does not replace the MDS, only retools it to be more accessible. Personally, I like the poetic nature of it.

We give the Word of God a voice in pulpits and print, on radio and television, on the web and the wide screen. Our tradition is Catholic, our outreach is to all.
We labor in and with God’s Spirit to light the way to God with the fire of truth. We search out those who have no church home, and welcome home those who have been away. We share the passion of St. Paul for unity in faith and solidarity in mission among all the baptized in the body of Christ. We build bridges of respect and collaboration with people of other world religions. In our parish and campus worshipping communities, we welcome people of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds.
The gospel we preach calls for all the children of God to be treated with dignity and justice. We claim Isaac Hecker as our founder, the Holy Spirit as our primary guide, St. Paul as our patron, and laity as our valued partners in mission. We are Paulists. Missionaries to North America.


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