Congrats New Mexico!

Last week, Vanessa and I were in Santa Fe on vacation. A couple of the headline’s mention that all eyes were on Governor Bill Richardson as he decided whether or not to sign a bill that would end the death penalty in the state.

New Mexico House Bill 285 (PDF Icon full-text, pdf) was signed, making New Mexico a death-penalty-free state. Well, rather, there will be no future sentences of death. According to The New York Times, only one person has been executed in New Mexico since 1960. The two men currently on death row are not impacted by this law; although, if the political climate allowed for the penalty to abolished, there is a realistic chance of neither reaching the injection table.

Via Whispers in the Loggia, according to the St. Louis Beacon, the Catholic bishops of the State had a great deal to do with discussing the situation with the Governor and helping him discern his choice. Without much public fanfare, the bishops conversed with the Governor and allowed him to make the decision for himself. I think this is a great example of the role our bishops can play in the political sphere. It’s up to each politician to vote their conscience, but up to the bishops to help inform that conscience.


2 responses

  1. Dudley SHarp Avatar

    “Rebuttal to Governor Richardson – Repeal of the Death Penalty in New Mexico”
    “Why did Gov. Richardson repeal the death penalty? His legacy”

  2. Kraft Avatar

    In all honesty, I care none about the reasons Governor Richardson signed the bill repealing New Mexico’s death penalty. The death penalty is a barbaric penalty that should be used only when there is no other way to ensure the greater society’s safety. In today’s society, therefore, it should be abolished.

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