Good Job Brother Knights!

I’m a few days late on this one, but for the year ending December 31, 2008, the Knights of Columbus has set an all-time record for money donated and time volunteered.

While the Knights of Columbus, as a national organization, as local councils and the men as individuals are all far from perfect, we are men dedicated to charity.

Fulltext of the press announcement below:

The Knights of Columbus announced June 12 that it set new all-time
records for charitable donations and volunteer service hours in 2008.
Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson released the results of the Order’s
annual survey in a presentation to its board of directors and state
leaders, meeting at its international headquarters in New Haven.

The results of the Knights’ annual Survey of Fraternal Activity for
the year ending December 31, 2008, indicate that, despite the economy,
total charitable contributions reached $150,036,865 – exceeding the
previous year’s total by more than $5.1 million. The figure includes
$32,295,376 donated by the Supreme Council, and $117,741,489 in
contributions from state and local councils assemblies and Squires

The survey also indicated that the quantity of volunteer service
hours to charitable causes by Knights grew to 68,783,653 – an increase
of 87,885 hours compared to the 2007 total. There were more than
413,000 Knights of Columbus blood donations during the year and, among
the most common service programs, Habitat for Humanity received 156,295
K of C volunteer hours.

The Knights of Columbus has been promoting a Year of the Volunteer
and sponsored a summit on volunteerism, A Nation of Neighbors Helping
Neighbors, in New York Feb. 27, to promoted increased participation and
collaboration in volunteer efforts from individuals and organizations.

Cumulative figures show that during the past decade, the Knights of
Columbus has donated more than $1.325 billion to charity, and provided
nearly 626 million hours of volunteer service in support of charitable




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