Team Whitaker

Team Whitaker

A great friend, Kathryn Whitaker, launched a complete refresh of her blog, Team Whitaker, today. Previously hosted on Blogger, Kathryn hired a designer and asked me to provide technical services related to the transition.

If you don’t know Kathryn, you may have seen her work. She produces a great deal of the “promotional” materials for seemingly every Catholic campus ministry program in the country, including the University Catholic Center at UT-Austin and St. Mary’s Student Center at Texas A&M.

Check out her site, subscribe by e-mail or RSS and fall in love with her and her family.




One response to “Team Whitaker

  1. Kathryn Avatar

    Kraft, I couldn’t have do it without you!  Your post about your Dad made me cry and really reflect.  Thank you for that gift on this busy Monday morning.

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