3M’s annual half-marathon took place in Austin today. Of the five Austin Distance Challenge events so far, it felt like the most attended event.
While there were some logistical suggestions I’d make, it was a good race. The weather was great and the crowds along the course really came out in full force to support the runners.
The run was hard. I haven’t restarted a regular running schedule since having the twins two months ago, so it was 13.1 miles cold.
The final event of the season, the Austin Marathon and Half-Marathon is in three weeks so there is still a little time to get back in rhythm. Originally, I had signed up for the full marathon, but earlier this month, realized that while I can pull off 13.1 without training, 26.2 was just stupid :-).
As a reminder, since going through the NICU experience with the twins in December and another hospital stay in January, I’m dedicating this season to support the Hand to Hold nonprofit that helps parents of premature babies and others who are in the NICU.
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