Welcome Vanessa Ruth!

Vanessa and I are proud to announce the birth of our sixth daughter, Vanessa Ruth Gonzalez Kraft, born yesterday morning.
Both Vanessa and Ruth are doing well now. We weren’t expecting her until closer to her due date of the 25th, so we didn’t expect to be here right now! At Automattic, since we all work distributively wherever in the world we are, we gather a few times a year, either with the whole company or with our immediate teams. My team’s meetup is happening right now and they were generous enough to plan the meetup to be in Austin. I knew Vanessa was too far along for me to travel, but it was a rush to get a message while at dinner with the team that Vanessa’s water broke. Nine hours later, Ruth was here.







11 responses to “Welcome Vanessa Ruth!

  1. Vote November 6th Avatar

    Congrats, 8lbs 5oz is great for being early, I hope all is well with momma and baby… Cheers!

    Downers Grove, IL

  2. Robert Dall Avatar

    Congrats to everyone!!!

  3. Nick Haskins Avatar

    Congrats!!! You have a small army now. 👶

  4. Shawn Hesketh Avatar

    Congratulations to you all! She’s beautiful.

  5. Tom McFarlin Avatar


  6. Devin Price Avatar

    6! Congrats. 🧒 🧒 🧒 🧒 🧒 👶 🎉

    Austin, TX

  7. Leslie Patiño Avatar

    Congratulations, Krafts! (Better add a little extra this year to the Kraft girls’ high school prom dress savings account. Oh, yeah, and then there’s college…) Seriously, wishing the whole family a smooth next few months.

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