Author: Brandon Kraft

  • weblogging and virtues: not all that different

    First, to explain the title. I’m reading in philosophy that Aristole (sp?, I’ll check later… maybe) said that one way someone could become a person of virtue is to “fake it” at first. That is, fake being brave and at some point, it’ll become second nature and you’ll become brave. So, with the weblog, I’m…

  • forcing myself

    Now, I’m just forcing myself to update more often. What a day today was. First, I got back a HIS 309L (Western Civ in Modern Times) test that I failed. No good. Check my e-mail and find a picture of Brandie’s baby in it. The clock struck 10. What a morning! The rest of the…

  • how the cookie crumble

    Talk about wild science… Scientists in Britain have discovered why biscuits seem to break so easily. They used fancy lasers and they claim that this could revolutionize the cookie industry. So, soon “that’s how the cookie crumbles” will be an exact science…

  • sex, lies and videotape

    First, this post has none of the above. I just needed a catchy title and I figure that’s as good as any. Per Kelly and Shellie’s comments on the last post, I’m really going to try to update this more often. Maybe schedule it into my day or something. Secondly, the value of a friend.…

  • fort worth revamp

    The Diocese of Fort Worth has released a new look to their website. So far, with looking through just certain sections of it, I am really impressed. They finally took a hold of database functions and really opened up doors for their electronic ministry. For example, want to know what churches in the Diocese has…

  • It Doesn’t Seem That Long

    This moment marks the exact 6 year anniversary since my father’s death. I ask that you all pray for him, for me, my family, for all fathers who are struggling in their duties and for their children. Thank you all. James G. Kraft 1943-1997