Author: Brandon Kraft

  • weblog and midwestern

    Ok, I just made myself mad. I had written a decent-sized entry and then I deleted it on accident. I don’t do that too often and it really bugs me whenever I do. I’ll try to recreate the post… I decided to start more of a weblog layout to the site. Recently, I haven’t had…

  • btt and austin

    It’s about time that I got back to writing a musing. First things first, a little plug- Before The Throne, the Praise and Worship Ministry at the University Catholic Center that Michael Raia and I started now has a Demo CD! I’ll make a page for the songs later but feel free to get a…

  • long time, no see

    It has been sometime since I’ve been able to post a Random Musing. A quick recap of the reasoning: First, Cyberstation deleted the website again. They’re still billing me (got one today) but still has yet to reactivate my account. Never use Cyberstation of Wichita Falls. I give them two thumbs down. Anyhow, after a…

  • Diversity Part II

    First, If you sent me any e-mail to a e-mail address during the last month, I didn’t get them! Damn ISP! If you did, please forward to a working address. Secondly, some mindless images to help you all through the day. If you suck at chemistry, you may end up dying. Also, I wanted…

  • orange pool table… nice

    First- a little housecleaning: I know there was no edition of Sex or of Confessions this week. Feel free to contact Matt or Kari with comments on that :-). On Wednesday, I went to the Erwin Center to hear President Clinton speak. I am not going to dive into the political message of the lecture…

  • marriage, delivery and the price

    First off, I have a couple of friends getting married and like to throw a shout out to them and their beloved. The first is Andrea, a sophomore here with me at The University of Texas at Austin whom is getting married to Charlie this summer. The second is Brandie, a fellow alumnus of Hirschi…