birthday, fire, frats

This is an exciting week for the site. On Wednesday, it will be my website’s six-year anniversary. On February 5, 1997, I took a little personal site full of links and (tried) to make it a little more appealing to the outside world. I did learn something over the past six years- you must offer content. The site before never had anything of interest. Now it does, yay to that. To celebrate the anniversary, I’m going to put up the first graphic I had on my website that I stole from one of the old “Graphics for your webpage!” sites.
Moving on to the real musings, I went on the actives’ retreat with my fraternity, Lambda Omega Alpha this weekend. Fraternities are really a great concept. It’s really amazing the purpose they serve. I am not referring to the massive parties and the stereotypical functions of a fraternity. Well, the parties are cool too but that’s not the point. The brotherhood aspect is something that I have yet to experience anywhere else- even band. (For those who know, band can be a close-knit group…) For those who wonder about joining a fraternity, I wouldn’t say just join any one, but if you can find out you really can flow with- go for it. For me, it was the Lambdas but for Ricky it was Theta Chi. However, I don’t think I would flow with Theta Chi and I don’t think Ricky would flow with the Lambdas.
Fire. Men love to play with fire. I really don’t understand it- I love to play with a little fire too but I don’t know why. Maybe primal instincts of survival or just because fire is some cool stuff. Really though, have you ever really just looked at fire? Just glazed into it… thought you saw something in the flames… started reflecting about the passion you have for something in light… felt the heat of that passion.. all to realize that the passion you felt was your pant leg on fire? Lesson: Don’t go out into a daze while next to a fire.
The next topic was going to be teaching and my personal struggle with that. Then I got to thinking about it and I don’t feel like talking about it anymore. So if you really want to know more about it- that’s your problem. =)
I’ll keep this week’s article random and pointless by throwing in something else pointless. I wish I could experience a Groundhog Day effect for some point in time. Able just to repeat a day… or better yet, a week over and over again until I could figure out how to do things right. Not to mention, it would be a great stress reliever. You know what I mean- go Grand Theft Auto for a day… Oh yes… it would be classic. Best part… wake up… everything is back to normal and your ego is that much bigger. Wait… that might not be a good thing. Neither here nor there. That’s that for this week.
Next Week: The column is called RANDOM musings for a reason… just because Kari knows what she is going to write about people all expect me to…. gosh 🙂




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