Category: Daddy’s Corner
40 Days with Food Allergies
Following your kid’s allergies for Lent isn’t as easy as I thought.
Food Allergies Aren’t From Bad Parenting
Source: How I made sure all 12 of my kids could pay for college themselves This missive from the parents of 12 kids is, all in all, a very interesting roadmap for raising a family, but I reject one particular portion. We did not have snacks between meals. We always had the four food groups…
Over the weekend, Olivia went to the hospital. Like her previous hospital admit, she had an asthma attack at home we couldn’t get under control so we went to Dell Children’s Medical Center’s ER. Like last time, she needed to more medicine than we could administer to her at home so she was admitted. Four…
The Toy Aisle
In the final days before Christmas, I found myself in Target on a late-night hunt for a few last presents for the kiddos. It has been a long time since I’ve been in the toy section of any store, much less alone in one without any kids. The last few times I’ve been in the…
Ed Kraft, 1954-2016
My uncle died yesterday. He was 62 years old. I must admit learning of his passing yesterday morning, I cried for the first time I can remember. True, actual sobbing. I’m sure it was ugly. I didn’t cry when my dad died—a random tear here or there during the immediate events and cry some more recently…
Coffee at Night
Sometimes, you drink coffee after dinner just to make it through the evening housework. Sometimes, you drink coffee after dinner just to make it through the evening housework and you end up wide awake past 1 am. 4:45 am, here I come.