Category: Personal

  • Are you still at the UCC?

    I’ve been asked this question much more recently as June 1st rolled closer. When I began my latest role at the University Catholic Center as a Campus Ministry Intern, it was for a year term (the Diocese is an at-will employer, so the year wasn’t legally binding, but you get the drift). I’ve re-upped for…

  • if we thought of heaven as a marathon

    I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7 Training to run a marathon is not unlike our training efforts towards our eternal reward in heaven. Each Saturday morning, despite it being my day off of work and there is nothing that I must do, I wake…

  • 26.2 miles or bust

    This morning, after a 7-mile training run, I registered for the 2008 AT&T Austin Marathon! While running a marathon is not a moral imperative, there is a duty to treat our bodies well. They are, after all, in the image of God, given to us through His Creation and temples of the Holy Spirit. If…

  • I’m engaged!

    It has been tough not writing on here over the past week. At first, I was thinking too much about proposing to write and then, I didn’t want to write a public article until a few people were notified. Personally, I’m really excited to begin this next phase of life with a person that I…

  • Praying is like training for a marathon

    At 7:15 am, I will be running 15km as part of the marathon training program that I’m in. In February, I will be running in the AT&T Austin Marathon and since I’ve had never ran more than three miles in my life, I started training. As I type, the last thing I want to do…