Mad Mimi
Campaign Monitor Hidden Custom Field
Other Considerations
Having trouble with the privacy policy link? Make sure you have a Privacy Page set in the WordPress options under Settings->Privacy.
You’re adding the name fields and see something funky…
I agree. This looks bad. Previously, the plugin just built a form that utilized the existing styling that StudioPress used in their themes. StudioPress, though, didn’t include styling for other fields besides e-mail address. Some themes, like Streamline, include an icon that wouldn’t make sense in every field.
The fix is easy though. I will start posting suggested CSS for the various StudioPress themes. Please note: As this is a free plugin that I provide without compensation except the thus-far non-present donations, I will entertain requests for StudioPress themes, available in the Pro Pack, that I haven’t done, but I do not have the bandwidth to assist on custom themes.
Minimum 2.0
More to come, but a taste for now. You don’t have to use both fields and just need to make sure that your name field name matches what you’re mailing list provider is expecting. Have a particular StudioPress theme you want support for, submit a ticket at the plugin’s forum.
2 responses
Is it possible to use this plugin with Constant Contact. If so, how?
See here: