Ringing In 2019!

We’re ringing in 2019 at Dell Children’s Medical Center. Asthma sucks. Pneumonia sucks.

I never really realized how troublesome asthma can be. As a kid, it seemed like enough people had it that it was somewhat normal and I never saw an attack. So, it wasn’t really a bit deal.

For O, she’s actively under the care of two specialists, tried a half-dozen or more controllers, take four medications daily to control it, yet we still end up in situations where she needs rescue medicine at levels unsafe to administer at home and taking the professionals here 24 hours to get under control with doses 3x what we can give and a third of the time between them.

Anyhow, here’s to meeting our insurance deductible on January 1st! ๐ŸŽ‰

30ยฐ 18.198 N -97ยฐ 42.416 W


One response

  1. Jeremy Herve Avatar

    ๐Ÿป! And ๐ŸŽ‰

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