Tag: COVID in Austin

  • Finally Caught It

    Finally Caught It

    After avoiding for two years, I could avoid it no more. Symptomatic but mild. Bleh.

  • All Adults Eligible

    All Adults Eligible

    All adults in Texas will be eligible for the COVID vaccine starting on March 29th. In some areas of the state, demand in the priority groups is dropping, but in Austin, we’re still seeing a lot of Phase 1 folks trying to get a vaccine. In other words, just because the state is making everyone…

  • Texas 1C Announced

    Texas 1C Announced

    Texas vaccine access has expanded to include all those 50 or older. See all the phases and some tips for Austin.

  • Back to Normal?

    Back to Normal?

    Sigh. Here’s my take on what Gov. Abbott will announce tomorrow.

  • First Case at a Kid’s School

    First Case at a Kid’s School

    One of my kiddo’s schools has their first positive COVID case within the building. They announced this via a letter to parents today. Stay safe, everyone. I hate this and hope we can overcome this soon.

  • Bars To Reopen Next Week

    Bars To Reopen Next Week

    Gov. Abbott has ordered that bars can reopen starting October 14th if the county judge opts-in and only in areas where the COVID hospitalization rate is under 15%. Here’s the current status of that: TSA Region Main City % Hospitalizationfor COVID, Oct 7 A Amarillo 15.8% B Lubbock 13.5% C Wichita Falls 4.3% D Abilene…