project andrew

On Saturday, I went to St. Mary’s Cathedral with the rest of my roommates to participate in Project Andrew. Project Andrew is a chance for young men to come together with Bishop Aymond and various priests of the dioceses for Mass and discussion on the priesthood.
The Mass was beautiful. This was the second time I’ve been to the Cathedral since the renovation had been completed and the first time I’ve been able to sit past the back of the church much less the third row. In short, the Mass was beautiful. Afterwards, we went to the Donahue Center, part of the St. Mary’s Cathedral School, and had a discussion on different aspects of the priesthood and discernment.
Project Andrew has this unique ability to stir up feelings in me that I have long been able to keep in check. Last year, I went and ended up applying to the seminary. This year, I have a bit more restraint but it does remind me that there is something in my life that I am longing for that I yet to find.
The challenge is how to find that longing. Obviously, Project Andrew says visit the seminary and figure it out. While one theory says that sounds like a great idea, there is a definite risk and challenge involved with that. I am not concerned with the risk or challenge of the seminary itself; I am held up on the risk and challenge of leaving Austin. There are doors that open before me constantly here- some professional, some academic, some romantic- and I am not wanting, much less ready or prepared, to close those doors.
Project Andrew does an amazing job of reawakening myself to my inner longing towards God. How to fulfill those desires is something that I have not figured out in the least yet but I am reminded that they are there.


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