Author: Brandon Kraft

  • pope has a tracheotomy

    Reports are now saying the Pope John Paul II has a tracheotomy. A tracheotomy, sometimes called a tracheostomy, is a surgical proceedure creating a small hole in the person’s neck and inserting a small tube to allow air to proceed to the trachea after by-passing the mouth and nose. The operation is usually done under…

  • pope back in hospital, tracheotomy?

    The Vatican released a statement this morning announcing that the Pope was taken back to the hospital and a hospital guard said that the Pope arrived sitting up on a raised stretcher. CNN is now reporting, via Italian media sources, that doctors are considering the use of a tracheotomy in the treatment of John Paul…

  • in the beginning was the word

    God, the Logos made flesh, desiring to reconcile all things in Himself according to the will of the Father (since after all the Father spoke the Word, thus the Word is at the will of the Father), had to offer up the ultimate sacrifice: a sacrifice so great that it counterbalanced the Great Fall.

  • prayers of the state: feb 7-15

    Playing a little catch up… Do notice that on February 14th, the Senate was led in prayer by a Rev. Valentine.

  • national’s dean list

    Opening my snail-mail today, I read: You have been selected, as indicated above, to receive honorary award recognition by having your biography published in the 28th Annual Edition of The National Dean’s List, 2004/2205. … The National Dean’s List is the largest, most prestigious publication in the country recognizing gifted students selected by their deans,…

  • trackback ping spam

    As I have mentioned in previous posts, comment spam has caused a number of headaches for me. Comment spam, thankfully, has been reduced to only a couple of day after implementing some extremely basic proceedures to deter spammers. I have a timetable for the implentation of stronger solutions; however, for the moment, the dam seems…