Category: Featured
Press This Extended 1.1
Press This Extended 1.1 is live and ready to make your WordPress 4.3 pressing all the better.
Genesis eNews Extended 2.0
Hold yer horses! Despite the major version bump, it isn’t a huge release! The changes are all under the hood, but there is a chance that the styling may break if your theme styles against the HTML ID of “subscribe”. Previously, all instances of the widget would have the HTML ID of “subscribe” on the…
WordPress 4.3 Coming Soon!
The next version of WordPress is quickly approaching release later this summer and testing builds are in the wild!
Live from the Beer Bloggers & Writers Conference
I’m at the Beer Bloggers & Writers Conference this weekend, and one of the fun times of the weekend is a live beerblogging session. Various breweries bring their wares, tell us about them, and we blog about them. Each beer has about five minutes, so it is a fast-paced fun event. Joining me in the…
In Defense of AA
Now I do want to make one thing clear: AA is by no means the only way to get sober, or even the best. There is no “best” way.The best way to get sober is how you got sober. Source: Sorry, that AA “study” is bullshit — The Real Edition — Medium Norcross wrote a…
- in Full HHVM Glory
I thought migrating from PHP-FPM to HHVM would be a hell of a process. I was wrong.