Category: Random

  • one week down, four to go

    Wow, talk about a long week folks. This was the first week of the Summer II semester at Midwestern State University and simply put, it was long. Classes start at 7 am- I’ve never had a regular, every day event at that time so getting used to such a radical schedule has been something else…

  • summer holiday

    Summer Holidays Are a Time to Rediscover Interior Life, Says Pope VATICAN CITY, JULY 6, 2003 ( John Paul II says that summer vacation is a good time to rediscover the authentic values of the spirit. “Numerous occupations and the accelerated speed of life at times make it difficult to cultivate this important spiritual dimension,”…

  • education is expensive

    I went down today to Rother’s Bookstore today to purchase my books for the Summer II term at MSU. The books- all used- cost me $229.33! That’s more than the entire long semester (fall and spring) at UT!! It included a dissection kit. I never realized the university wouldn’t provide lab tools. That just bothers…

  • talk about a grand opening

    Mishap Mars Opening of Constitution Museum (registration required) This tripped me out. There was a new constitutional museum being dedicated and opening yesterday up in Philadelpha. From the story: The opening of the National Constitution Center, a museum devoted to the United States Constitution, was marred today when a huge wood and steel frame collapsed,…

  • crickets and japan ‘education’

    A Carpet of Crickets in the West (registration required) Victums Say Japan Ignores Sex Crimes Committed by Teachers (registration required) ::crickets:: The LA Times is reporting about a massive plague of crickets that are swarming the western states. It is getting so bad that transportation agency have to post advisory signs warning motorists to slow…

  • search engine

    Okay- the search engine is acting funny. Last time it did this, I just reparied the database and it worked fine except I lost some data (just comments but still). I would like to check out my coding to see if there is anything else I can do to fix that before repairing it again.